Sheet-pipe System is one of Subsurface Drainage Systems and constructed by the process of drawing-in and installation of the Sheet-pipe to Shallow Strata without trenching. It is deployed and used in Japanese Agriculture in order to expand the multipurpose farmland inclusive of paddy fields. The installation process is fast and results in precise insertion lines of the pipe under the soil surface.
It is the Sheet-pipe System that is applicable and adjustable to even the clay dominated fields by its high drainage capability with low cost in construction and maintenance. It is also possible to cultivate rice that needs ponding water side by side with horticulture that needs dried soil. Compare with the conventional method that uses culvert, gravel-filled trench or just mole drain, the Sheet-pipe System is superior in quality, functionality, workability and in cost efficiency in term of construction and maintenance.
The Sheet-pipe System has the effect of improving drainage of farmland and promoting crop growth by providing vents to supply air to the ground.
Drawing-in the Sheet-pipe into the ground by using a sophisticated MOLE DRAINER, equipment exclusively developed for the installation of the Sheet-pipe. The MOLE DRAINER is designed to cope with Swamp Area and have sufficient tractive ability.
Sheet-pipe is in a sheet shape before installation and will be transformed to a pipe shape upon its installation underground by using PLAPIPER (Pipe-shaping equipment) and pulled horizontally into the ground by MOLE DRAINER at a depth of approximately 50 cm without trenching and devastating the cultivated field.
In the connection points of sheet pipes, the exclusive members are used. At the outlet, the drain-adjustment cap is provided, and provide a ventilation pipe at the opposite terminal to ensure air supply into the soil.
We are promoting the overseas business deployment of the Sheet-pipe System. Particularly in the Asian region, we see the improvement of poor drainage in fields as an important issue in the modernization of agriculture, such as the conversion to more profitable cultivated crops and the promotion of crop diversification. We believe that the Sheet-pipe System can make a significant contribution as a solution to this issue.
Please contact us using the inquiry form for estimates, orders, and other requests about Sheet-pipe System (SHEETPIPE, PLAPIPER, MOLE DRAINER, etc). Click here.
* Available Countries for Orders: Asia Region (Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia)